
By John Fitzgerald on 26th May 2021
Often when we talk about risk and digital, we get into discussions about privacy and cyber security. But there are other, more... Read more
By John Fitzgerald on 11th May 2021
What does digital change look like Before, During, and Beyond a pandemic? Although it feels like we’re living week to week or month... Read more
By Siobhan Mercer on 29th Mar 2021
I leave SCVO this week and have been reflecting on the remarkable evolution achieved by myself, my team and the Scottish voluntary... Read more
By John Fitzgerald on 2nd Mar 2021
Right across the voluntary sector, organisations have moved faster and further than ever with digital change. But with squeezed... Read more
By Alison Stone on 16th Feb 2021
With a mere 6 sleeps to go until Cyber Scotland Week kicks off in earnest, it is now time to shine the spotlight on the third sector... Read more
By Alison Stone on 5th Feb 2021
All this week, I have been nagging myself, and promising my colleague and partner in Cyber Scotland Week crime Siobhan Mercer, that I... Read more
By Esther Elliot on 20th Nov 2020
I work for a charitable organisation providing emotional and spiritual care and support to people in a variety of workplaces in the... Read more
By Laura McPherson on 19th Nov 2020
I signed up for the Design Hops course not really knowing what to expect. I’d read the course brief and it sounded like something... Read more
By Ali Jones on 20th Oct 2020
The Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Pathfinder project in Aberdeen came about as a result of conversations, between Police Scotland... Read more
By Harry Mayers on 13th Oct 2020
If digital is so brilliant, why do so many organisations struggle to make a success of it? Digital offers faster, slicker ways to... Read more